Today is day four of world race gap year! My squad is currently in the intro phase and spending a lot of time getting to know each other (pictures coming soon). We also spent time getting to know ourselves more. Yesterday during our devotions our squad mentor was talking about how we need to ask and know the “why.” Without a “why” it’s easy to lose sight and quit. So she gave us the ultimate question: “Why are you here? When the journey gets hard and you want to quit, what will be your reason for staying?” We all had time to sit with the Lord and ponder this question. As I was thinking about this question I realized that the answer is something you should know as well, so I thought I’d share. I wrote:
GROWTH. Growing pains come with growth. Growth doesn’t come without a journey or without undoing. I have to be broken down in order to be rebuilt with grace. I dont want to leave the same as I came. I want RADICAL CHANGE in myself and others. I want to leave what isn’t of him so I can be filled with more of him. I want to build endurance and persistence. I want to live in a spirit of obedience and I want God to use that obedience. I want to make surrender a habit. I want to see him in everything. I want more than temporary happiness and stability. I want to see the way he sees. I want a heart of worship regardless of circumstance. I want to let go of what I’m holding onto so I can cling to him. I want a community that walks in truth. I want him to work in me and through me. I want to listen, to feel his presence, to be intimate. I want to focus solely on him. I want him to fill me up so I can pour out to others.
Yes, this trip is a mission trip, but I’m believing for so much more. So that’s the why. I truly believe the Lord wants me to be uncomfortable in this time- not just physically, but in every way so that he can stretch me. I believe that he has lots to offer, I just have to be willing and bold enough to receive it. He wants to make this time worthwhile.
If you’d like to support what the Lord is doing on my race, two of the biggest blessings would be prayerful or financial support. I have a $10,000 deadline in October and I am partnering with Go Rings for the month. Go Rings is a company that handmakes ethically sourced, durable, dainty jewelry to help come alongside those who fundraise for mission trips like mine. You can shop at and enter code ANDREAWRGY, and I’ll receive 30% of sales. I can also benefit from wholesale purchases so if you know business who would be interested in purchasing Go Rings products for resale, please message me! Thank you so much for support and following my journey!
Dear Andrea, we are so proud of you.
Love you, Nana and Papa