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To Gap D,

You really are divine. And a letter can’t describe that. No matter how many words long. You really are family, a kind a didn’t even know existed. And a letter can’t describe that. 


I didn’t know I could love so hard it hurt. But you love hard, and in that showed me how to love hard. 


I had no idea what this goodbye would look like. I tried not to think about it. I knew it would be hard. But i didn’t realize just how hard it would be. 


Gap D, You were an answered prayer. A prayer for community, for people that would stand by me, fight for me, push me, and love me no matter what. People that would dance, cry, and laugh with me. You saw me, heard me, and knew me. And to think it was solely because you wanted to. You saved me a seat at the table and showed me I was worthy of it. You always led me back to the father. You showed me who I was in him and taught me to live as such. You taught me strength, courage, and so much more You brought joy, you made the dead things come back to living. You showed me what it looked to really live, to radically chase after the father. 


I now know 35 voices I could never forget. 35 others who change you just by being in their presence. I’ll remember and treasure the little things, like how Hailey has to sing drivers license, Madie’s dance moves, Jen talking like a cult leader,  Morgan’s speedwalking, or how easily Jewel got scared. 


Gap D, you changed me. A year ago, I didn’t know you. But now, I can’t imagine what life looks like without you. People who I thought might become my friends became family forever. 


So thank you. Thank you for making me love so hard it hurts. Thank you for the card games, playing signs til midnight, the laughs, the endless dance parties, the unclogging toilets together, all the meals we ate together, the praying our way through SMT together, the adventure days, the worship sessions, all of it. Thank you for the moments I’ll never forget. 


Thank you for loving me.

Thank you that the bond our squad has is one that can’t be described.

Thank you that I’m not the same because of you. 

Thank you for making this goodbye a hard one. 


It’s been an honor to do life with you. 


Love you big,
