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              Vaccines. Passport. Gear. In addition to fundraising $15,800. Wow. This is going to be a lot of money. And take a lot of time and effort. Not to mention I’ll be living in third-world countries for nine months. That’s kind of scary. This is what was going through my head as my squad began to talk about steps towards launching. Satan has already tried to work his way into this. But God spoke. “GO. Just go. I didn’t tell you to go if it was convenient or if you thought you could do it. I told you to go. I told you that I will provide.” God isn’t a God of convenience. He doesn’t ask us to live convenient lives. He doesn’t ask us to stay in our comfort zone. He tells us to leave it for something greater. Jesus’s life was never convenient. He didn’t die on a cross because it was convenient. He did it to advance the kingdom. He tells us to do the same. To pick up our cross daily. To go and make disciples. To love. To heal. To serve. To give. Because he is a God of abundance. Convenience doesn’t give us abundance. Jesus does.

              We love convenience. We love anything that makes us comfortable or makes our lives easier. But we can’t live in convenience and advance the kingdom. We have to be like others to win others for the Gospel. And this takes commitment and takes away convenience. This made me think of 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. We have to make ourselves slaves to Christ. And when we do so, God does BIG things. God moves in big ways when we carry out simple acts of obedience. So, when you think about convenience, are you thinking about all that will be gained in Christ when you let go of it? When you give him your finances? Your time? Your life?

              I’m not saying that letting go of convenience means becoming a missionary in a foreign country. You can let go right where you are. And you should, because there is work to be done everywhere. Give up your time for someone who needs it. Give your resources to someone who needs them. Do what he’s called you to do.

              I think we all struggle, to some degree, with giving up convenience. Maybe not even just material convenience, but the convenience of our plans which sometimes appear to be better or easier. I know I do. That’s one of the reasons I am so excited for this journey. Because I’m going to let go and watch what He does in the process. So yes, I am aware that my life will be inconvenient throughout this journey. And I am ready. Ready for God to do big things. So for those pondering the question of “Why?” I hope this gives an answer. I also hope you found this to be a word of encouragement. I hope you can tell Satan “No” and tell God “Yes. I’m ready to let go of what I’m holding on to and let you work.”


2 responses to “Just Go”

  1. I’m so excited to see how God moves through you, both in the time leading up to your trip and during your trip. Clearly, He has a plan!